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Cloud Service

Unlock Your Dash Cam's Power!

Free Add-on service for your cloud-compatible BLACKVUE

BlackVue Cloud turns your BlackVue dash cam into the ultimate car security system, thanks to: 

  • Instant impact notifications.
  • Auto backup of Event videos.
  • Remote Live View and more

Unlock Your Dash Cam's Power!

Free Add-on service for your cloud-compatible BLACKVUE

BlackVue Cloud turns your BlackVue dash cam into the ultimate car security system, thanks to: 

  • Instant impact notifications.
  • Auto backup of Event videos.
  • Remote Live View and more

What Is BLACKVUE Cloud?

State-of-the-art dashcam technology meets Cloud ubiquity.

Push Notifications, real-time video and GPS-tracking, Cloud backup, the possibilities are endless.

BLACKVUE Cloud is all about using your dashcam to its full potential, so that you and your car are always connected.

How Can BLACKVUE Cloud Benefit You?

Individual? Taxi/rideshare driver? Business with a fleet of vehicles? BLACKVUE Cloud has something for you.

Get notifications to your phone when you parked car is hit. Check remotely what is happening around your car.
Small Business Owner

Monitor your commercial vehicles on a map in real time and talk to your drivers anytime through the BLACKVUE App or Viewer.

Company with Large Fleet

With BLACKVUE Fleet Tracking, track in real time up to 999 vehicles from the palm of your hand or with the BLACKVUE Viewer.

Packed with Innovative Features

Remote Live View, Alert Push Notification, GPS Tracking,
Two-way Voice Communication, Video Backup, Remote
Video Playback, the possibilities are endless.

With BLACKVUE Cloud, unlock your dashcam’s full potential.

Video Backup / Auto-Upload
Back up videos to your phone or Cloud storage. Live Auto-Upload: save Event files in real time to the Cloud!
Cloud FOTA

Upgrade your dashcam’s firmware easily over the Cloud.

Live Event Upload

Save Event videos to the Cloud in real time—including the seconds before trigger. 

Mobile Hotspot Function

Turn your compatible BLACKVUE into an internet router for up to five devices concurrently.

Alert Push Notifications

Receive notifications on your phone when preset events occur. Great in combination with BLACKVUE’s Parking Mode.

Remote Live View
Remotely monitor your car in real time from anywhere, anytime.
Voice Call
Talk with people in the car from your smartphone. The driver can speak while keeping hands on the wheel.
GPS Tracking
Visualize on a map your car’s location and speed. With any paid Cloud Plan, access 90-days’ worth of GPS data.
Remote Video Playback

Play videos stored in the Cloud or in your dashcam anytime on your smartphone or tablet.


One month free. Cancel anytime.

The BLACKVUE SIM Card is the easiest way to get started with BLACKVUE Cloud.
Availability: USA and Canada

Cloud Plan

BLACKVUE Cloud is a free add-on service for Cloud-compatible BLACKVUE dashcams, providing safety-enhancing features like Push Notifications, Remote Live View and Live Event Upload. BLACKVUE offers additional features available via paid subscriptions.
This table shows the features available under each BLACKVUE Cloud account tier. The Cloud Plans can be activated via the BLACKVUE App for iOS and Android.

Last update: September 13, 2023.

Cloud Plans

BLACKVUE Cloud is a free add-on service for Cloud-compatible BLACKVUE dashcams, providing safety-enhancing features like Push Notifications, Remote Live View and Live Event Upload. BLACKVUE offers additional features available via paid subscriptions.
This table shows the features available under each BLACKVUE Cloud account tier. The Cloud Plans can be activated via the BLACKVUE App for iOS and Android.

Last update: September 13, 2023.

Cloud Plans

BLACKVUE offers additional features available via paid subscriptions.

Lite Plan
Lite Plan offers a budget-friendly option to link multiple cameras to the Cloud, increase the daily Live View time and unlimited video playback and download.
Smart Plan
Smart Plan introduces unlimited Remote Live View time and some advanced features like Video On Map, as well as extra storage for each registered camera.


Get started for free,
no credit card required.
In-app subscription only
$ 0

  • 10' Live View per day
  • Push Notifications
  • 100 plays per month
Get the free BLACKVUE App


More Live View,
register multiple cameras.
In-app subscription only
$ 3
(+$3 per extra dash cam)
  • 30' Live View per day
  • Unlimited playback
  • Up to 15 dash cams
Get the free BLACKVUE App


Unlimited Remote Live View,
advanced features.
In-app subscription only
$ 7
(+$6 per extra dash cam)
  • Unlimited Live View
  • More Cloud storage
  • +Advanced features
Get the free BLACKVUE App

Detailed Features

Cloud Plan Business Plan
Free Lite Smart Fleet
Cloud Cameras per Account Up to 1 Up to 15 Up to 15 Up to 999
Users per Account 1 1 1 Owner: 1 Admin: 0 Driver: 3 per Cloud Camera
Live View per Day 10 Minutes 30 Minutes Unlimited Unlimited
Remote Video Playback and Download per Month 100 Times Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Connect Dashcam Locally (Wi-Fi) (Playback, Download, Live View)
Cloud Storage 5GB 5GB per Cloud Camera 10GB per Cloud Camera 15GB per Cloud Camera
Live Event Upload 2 Days 7 Days 30 Days 30 Days
Live GPS
Push Notifications
Voice Call
Cloud Battery **Available with BLACKVUE battery
Fatigue Risk Alert
Driving Reports
GPS Tracking 90 Days 90 Days
Video On Map
Geofence Setup (Fleeta Web Viewer) and Alerts
Multi Live View (Fleeta Web Viewer)
Email Notifications
Support Software BLACKVUE APP
Fleeta APP What is Fleeta?
Fleeta Web Viewer What is Fleeta?
Price Free 3.99 USD 7.99 USD 15.99 USD
3 USD for extra Cloud Camera 6 USD for extra Cloud Camera 12 USD for extra Cloud Camera

Cloud-compatible Dashcams

Dashcam Model Cloud (via Wi-Fi) Cloud (via LTE Module) Cloud (built-in LTE)
DR970X LTE / DR770X LTE Series
DR770X Box Series
DR970X / DR770X Series
DR750X- 2CH LTE Plus / DR750-2CH LTE
DR900X Plus / DR900X Series
DR750X Plus / DR750X Series
DR900S Series
DR750S Series
DR650S Series
DR650GW Series

Data Consumption (estimates)

Remote Live View

When you access Remote Live View from your BLACKVUE dashcam over the Cloud, your dashcam streams data to the Cloud server, which is then sent to your device.

Use the table below to assess your data needs, based on your Live View usage estimate.

Table Header
Format (Resolution) HD (1280×720)
Bitrate 1Mbps (Megabit per second)
1 minute 7.5MB (Megabytes)
1 hour 450MB (Megabytes)
24 hours 10.8GB (Gigabytes)
Live Event Upload
Live Event Upload saves a real-time video feed from your cameras to the Cloud in case of Event (Manually triggered or triggered by the impact sensor). This allows to keep some evidence even in case of theft, as the camera saves the Event to the Cloud in real time in addition to the full resolution video saved on the microSD card.
Table Header
Format D1 (720×480)
Bitrate 600Kbps (Kilobits per second)
1 minute 4.5MB (Megabytes)
1 hour 270MB (Megabytes)
24 hours 6.48GB (Gigabytes)
Backup / Playback
Unlike Remote Live View, which uses a video feed optimized for streaming, Video Backup and Playback use the original video files stored by the dashcam on the microSD card. You can use the table below to get an understanding of the amount of data needed to back up video files or play back a recorded video.
Model Resolution Video segment length Quality setting File size*
DR970X Plus DR970X LTE Plus DR970X Box Plus 4K UHD (Front camera) 1 Minute EXTREME (H.265/H.264) 443MB/ 300MB
Full HD (Rear camera) 1 Minute EXTREME 78.9MB
DR970X-2CH/ DR900X-2CH Plus/ DR900X-2CH/ DR900S-2CHDR770X-2CH/ DR750X-2CH Plus/ 750X-2CH/ DR750S-2CH DR970X-2CH LTE/ DR770X-2CH LTE/ DR750X-2CH LTE Plus/ DR750-2CH LTE Front camera 4K (DR9xx) Full HD (DR7xx) 1 Minute EXTREME 187.2MB
Full HD (Rear camera) 1 Minute EXTREME 78.9MB
Model Resolution Video segment length Quality setting File size*
DR970X/ DR900X Plus/ 900X/ 900S-1CHDR770X/ DR750X Plus/ 750X/ 750S-1CH 4K (DR9xx) Full HD (DR7xx) 1 Minute EXTREME 187.2MB
DR650S-2CH/ DR650GW-2CH Full HD (Front camera) 1 Minute HIGHEST 76.7MB
HIGH (Default) 61.8MB
HD (Rear camera) 1 Minute HIGHEST 38.6MB
HIGH (Default) 31.0MB
DR650S-1CH/ DR650GW-1CH Full HD 1 Minute HIGHEST 76.7MB
HIGH (Default) 61.8MB
* Actual file size may differ slightly.

Compatible Models


Connect your dash cam to the Cloud

Get started with BlackVue Cloud in no time with the BlackVue App. 
When you are ready to connect your dash cam to BlackVue Cloud, 
simply follow the steps outlined in the app. 
Get started free, then upgrade your plan for an even better experience.


How to know if my BLACKVUE is compatible?
Last update: 2023-04-18 (KST). BLACKVUE Cloud works with all DR970X, DR970X LTE, DR770X, DR770X LTE, DR770X Box, DR750-2CH LTE, DR900X and DR900S Series, DR750X and DR750S Series, DR650S Series and the DR650GW Series models manufactured after April 2015. For DR650GW Series owners: to check if your DR650GW Series model is compatible with the service and receive your Cloud security code, follow the next steps. 1. You will need a photo of the product’s serial number and a screenshot of the default SSID, which shows the unit’s MAC address. 2. Serial number: take a photo of the serial number sticker on your product or on the product’s packaging. 3. MAC address: the default SSID of your BLACKVUE contains its MAC address. In case you changed the SSID, please update the firmware of your BLACKVUE to the latest version. This will reinitialize the SSID (DR650GW and DR650S Series). On DR750S and DR900S, you can reinitialize the SSID by holding the Wi-Fi/Format button on the side until a voice prompt is heard, release, then apply a short press. iOS/Android: with your BLACKVUE powered on, take a screenshot of your BLACKVUE’s network name in your phone’s Wi-Fi connection menu. 4. Send the photo of the Serial Number and the screenshot showing the SSID/MAC address to [email protected]. 5. After the confirmation of compatibility, you will be issued a Cloud security code. 6. If your BLACKVUE  is not compatible, our Customer Support team will follow up with you on the modalities of upgrade.
Where to find the Cloud QR code?
On DR900X/750X/900S/750S/DR750-2CH LTE models, the QR code to register your BLACKVUE to the Cloud is located on a label under the mount. To unmount your dashcam, press the “LOCK” button on the mount and pull on the dashcam while holding the mount. If your device does not have a QR code on it, or you lost or removed your QR code sticker, you will need a Cloud security code. In order to get your Cloud security code, please follow the steps in the section above: “HOW TO DETERMINE IF MY BLACKVUE IS COMPATIBLE?”
Quick Starting Guide: Connect your BLACKVUE to a hotspot

Steps to register a hotspot/router to let your Cloud-compatible BLACKVUE connect to the Cloud:
With the BLACKVUE App:

  1. Power your BLACKVUE dashcam.
  2. Power the Wi-Fi hotspot/router you will pair with your BLACKVUE .
  3. Connect to your BLACKVUE in Wi-Fi from your phone’s Wi-Fi settings menu.
  4. Open the latest version of the BLACKVUE App.
  5. Go to BLACKVUE WI-FI > Camera settings (Gear icon) > Firmware settings > Cloud settings > Cloud service hotspot settings > Select your Wi-Fi hotspot/router which should appear in the list and fill in the password. Alternatively, you can enter manually the router’s SSID (network name) and password. You can register up to 3 Wi-Fi hotspots.
  6. Go back until prompted to save and choose save to apply the changes to your dashcam.

With the BLACKVUE Viewer:

  1. Take out the microSD card from your BLACKVUE dashcam and insert it in your computer (you might need a SD card adapter or microSD USB reader).
  2. Open the BLACKVUE Viewer.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on the Firmware tab.
  5. Click on Cloud.
  6. Enter your hotspot/router’s SSID (network name) and password (you can register up to 3 hotspots).
  7. Click “Save and Close”
What is included in my Free Account?
The BLACKVUE app allows you to create a free account easily. Your free BLACKVUE Cloud account includes the following:
  • 10 minutes daily Live View Stream real-time video from your BLACKVUE. Reinitialized every day. Get Unlimited Live View with a Smart Plan.
  • One BLACKVUE Dashcam Register one BLACKVUE dashcam per Free account. Subscribe to the Smart Plan to manage up to 3 dashcams.
  • 5 GB of Cloud storage 5 GB to back up your video files in the Cloud. Get more storage with a Smart Plan.
  • 100 Downloads per month 100 remote downloads or video replays via the Cloud per month. Unlimited with a Smart Plan.
Need more? Check our paid plans. In the BLACKVUE app, tap the hamburger icon in the top-left corner, then select Upgrade Plan. The available paid plans are Smart 1, Smart 2 and Smart 3, which let you manage 1, 2 or 3 dashcams. All Smart plans include Unlimited Remote Live View and File Download/Playback over the Cloud. If you would like to upgrade to a Fleet Plan, visit (Fleet Plan lets you manage up to 999 dashcams and access exclusive BLACKVUE Fleet Tracking features). Want to check your account info? In the BLACKVUE app, tap the icon in the top-left corner, log into your account if you are not already and then tap the icon to open the Account settings screen, then select Account info.
What app for what firmware?
To access BLACKVUE Cloud, you must use the BLACKVUE app, currently available for Android and iOS. The BLACKVUE app is compatible with all Wi-Fi-compatible BLACKVUE dashcams released since 2015. The BLACKVUE Legacy app is not compatible with any Cloud firmware.
  • BLACKVUE Legacy app home screen:
  • BLACKVUE app home screen (before May 2020):
  • BLACKVUE app home screen (before March 6 2023):
  • BLACKVUE app home screen:
Note: On DR650GW models, you may reinstall the Legacy firmware after installing the Cloud firmware. Want to know more? Please visit the Downloads page at
Where is the Cloud server located?
BLACKVUE Cloud is powered by Amazon Web Services, a world leader in Cloud computing infrastructure and services. Main server (default): California (USA). Europe and Africa server: London (UK). Asia and Oceania server: Singapore. Full list of countries/territories: California (US) Server (default): Default server for territories not listed below. London (UK) Server ==> Europe/Africa:
Europe territories:
Åland Islands Kosovo
Albania Latvia
Andorra Liechtenstein
Austria Lithuania
Belarus Luxembourg
Belgium Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Malta
Bulgaria Moldova, Republic of
Croatia Monaco
Cyprus Montenegro
Czechia Netherlands
Denmark Norway
Estonia Poland
Faroe Islands Portugal
Finland Romania
France Russian Federation
Germany San Marino
Gibraltar Serbia
Greece Slovakia
Guernsey Slovenia
Holy See Spain
Hungary Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Iceland Sweden
Ireland Switzerland
Isle of Man Ukraine
Italy United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Africa territories:
Algeria Gambia Republic of the Congo
Angola Ghana Réunion
Benin Guinea Rwanda
Botswana Guinea-Bissau Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Burkina Faso Kenya Sao Tome and Principe
Burundi Lesotho Senegal
Cabo Verde Liberia Seychelles
Cameroon Libya Sierra Leone
Central African Republic Madagascar Somalia
Chad Malawi South Africa
Comoros Mali South Sudan
Côte d’Ivoire Mauritania Sudan
Democratic Republic of the Congo Mauritius Swaziland
Djibouti Mayotte Tanzania, United Republic of
Egypt Morocco Togo
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Tunisia
Eritrea Namibia Uganda
Ethiopia Niger Zambia
Gabon Nigeria Zimbabwe
Singapore Server ==> Asia/Oceania:
Territories of Asia:
Afghanistan Israel Pakistan
Armenia Japan Palestine, State of
Azerbaijan Jordan Philippines
Bahrain Kazakhstan Qatar
Bangladesh Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Saudi Arabia
Bhutan Korea, Republic of Singapore
British Indian Ocean Territory Kuwait Sri Lanka
Brunei Darussalam Kyrgyzstan Syrian Arab Republic
Cambodia Lao People’s Democratic Republic Taiwan
China Lebanon Tajikistan
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Macao Thailand
Georgia Malaysia Turkey
Hong Kong Maldives Turkmenistan
India Mongolia United Arab Emirates
Indonesia Myanmar Uzbekistan
Iran, Islamic Republic of Nepal Viet Nam
Iraq Oman Yemen
Territories of Oceania:
American Samoa Nauru Samoa
Australia New Caledonia Solomon Islands
Cook Islands New Zealand Timor-Leste
Fiji Niue Tokelau
French Polynesia Norfolk Island Tonga
Guam Northern Mariana Islands Tuvalu
Kiribati Palau United States Minor Outlying Islands
Marshall Islands Papua New Guinea Vanuatu
Micronesia, Federated States of Pitcairn Wallis and Futuna