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About Promo Codes

This page explains about BlackVue Promo Codes and the distinction between Promo Code and Coupon Code.

Promo Code vs Coupon Code

In the context of the BlackVue websites ( and Coupon Code and Promo Code refer to two different things.

Coupon Code ⇒ BlackVue Online Store

Coupon codes give discounts that can be used in the BlackVue Online Store ( on the Cart and Checkout pages.  

Promo Code ⇒ BlackVue Fleet Tracking

Promo codes are issued to Fleet Bundle customers, i.e. customers who purchase 3 or more dashcams from the Fleet Bundle page of the BlackVue Online Store.
Promo codes are specific to BlackVue Fleet Tracking.
They can be redeemed on the Account Info page at (login required). 

Promo Codes Specifics

One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code

This is currently the only Promo Code type that we offer. We will update this page if we introduce other types of Promo Codes. 

Obtaining a Promo Code

In order to obtain a One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code, you must purchase a BlackVue Fleet Bundle by adding a total of three (3) or more Fleet Bundle dashcams to your cart.

Any Fleet Bundle dashcam combination is possible, as long as there are three (3) or more dashcams in your cart at checkout. Please note that if your cart contains one (1) or two (2) Fleet Bundle dashcams, you won’t be able to complete your purchase unless you add Fleet Bundle dashcams up to a total of three (3) or more or remove all of them from your cart. 

The Promo Code will be emailed to you after verification of your order by our Online Sales staff. Please note that the email will be sent from [email protected] to the email address you used as contact email for your purchase on the Online Store. This process may take up to two (2) business days.
Please note that the Promo Code may be invalidated in case your order is cancelled after reception of your Promo Code.


A BlackVue Fleet Tracking (free trial) account or free BlackVue Cloud account is required. This offer is not accessible to holders of a BlackVue Fleet Tracking or BlackVue Cloud paid subscription.

Redeeming your Promo Code

You can redeem your One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code at (Login > My Account). The 1-month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code can be applied only once per account. 

Compatible BlackVue Dashcams

Any Cloud-compatible BlackVue dashcams can be registered under your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account. 
Note: although the BlackVue Fleet Bundle may not include certain models (usually phased out models), other Cloud-compatible BlackVue dashcams can be registered under your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account. 

Number of dashcams

The Promo Code gives you the possibility to get one month of Fleet Tracking service for a number of dashcams equal to the number of Fleet Bundle dashcams you purchased at once. 

How the One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking service applies to registered dashcams

The Fleet Tracking service will apply to any dashcam registered under the BlackVue Fleet Tracking or BlackVue Cloud account used at the time of Promo Code redemption, in the order in which they were registered. You can then continue registering additional dashcams up to the number of dashcams your Promo Code is valid for.

Example: let’s assume you have one (1) dashcam registered under your free BlackVue Cloud account. That dashcam will remain registered as your free BlackVue Cloud account is upgraded to BlackVue Fleet Tracking account. Let’s suppose that you redeem a 1-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code valid for five (5) dashcams. This will change your free BlackVue Cloud account into a BlackVue Fleet Tracking account. The dashcam which you previously registered under your free BlackVue Cloud account will be instantly usable under your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account and you will be allowed to register four (4) additional dashcams for use during your free One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking period.

Promo Code Expiration

The Promo Code will expire if unused after 90 days from the date of issuance.

BlackVue Fleet Tracking account expiration

Unless you subscribe to a paid BlackVue Fleet Tracking subscription, your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account will change to a free BlackVue Cloud account at the term of your free One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking period.

All dashcams registered to your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account during the free One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking period will remain linked to your account. However, you will be able to access through the Cloud a number of dashcams equal to the number of dashcams normally allowed under your free BlackVue Cloud account (by default, this number is one (1)), in the order in which they were registered under your account. The remaining registered dashcams will appear grayed out in the Cloud dashcam lists of the BlackVue App and BlackVue Viewer and won’t be accessible through the Cloud.

Example: you redeem a One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking Promo Code for four (4) dashcams–A, B, C, D. You register dashcam A first, then dashcams B, C and D. You will be able to access all your registered dashcams through the Cloud (as long as they are properly connected). At the end of your free month of BlackVue Fleet Tracking, if you have not signed up for a paid subscription, your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account will revert to Free BlackVue Cloud account status. You will then be able to access only dashcam A through the Cloud, within the limitations of your free account.

Extending your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account

Once your free One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking comes to an end, your BlackVue Fleet Tracking account will revert back to free BlackVue Cloud account status. 

Your registered dashcams will still be registered under your account but free BlackVue Cloud account limitations will apply (number of dashcams accessible through the Cloud, Cloud storage space, etc.).

In order to continue using BlackVue Fleet Tracking, you can purchase a BlackVue Fleet Tracking monthly subscription on

Please note that any free trial or free One-Month BlackVue Fleet Tracking plan you may be using will be interrupted and any remaining service day will be lost at the time of the purchase of a subscription either via the BlackVue app or
Remaining unused days of free service will not be retroactively added to your paid plan, and the billing schedule will start from the moment of your paid subscription plan purchase.
For these reasons, we advise you to purchase a paid subscription only if: 

  • Your free plan is coming to an end. 
  • You need to monitor more dashcams than your free plan currently allows.

Last update: 2018-01-04