
Three-Car Collision #CaughtOnBlackVue

A heart-stopping accident was captured by a BlackVue user in Hawaii.

Three car crash caused by…?

The BlackVue user (who prefers to stay anonymous) witnessed a 3-car crash happening ahead of his vehicle. They were quite behind the place where the accident happened, but the dash cam footage revealed that the cause of the crash were two boys, running across the road.

The SUV, coming from the opposite direction, hit the boys first, and then swerved into the opposite lane hitting the other car, which then was hit by yet another car from behind. The BlackVue user later found out that the boys came out of the incident unscathed apart from minor bruises and scratches.

Dash cam footage can help

Even though the boys crossed the road on the crosswalk, one of the boys blamed himself for the accident. The SUV driver allegedly admitted she was speeding. BlackVue dash cam footage can be used not only when you are directly inolved in an accident – if youwitness a crash, you can help the other drivers, too, by providing the footage they can then pass to the authorities or their insurance company.

Don’t wait until AFTER something happens. You never know what awaits you on the road. Get your dash cam today here.

About #CaughtOnBlackVue

Please remember that #CaughtOnBlackVue an ongoing event and it’s never too late to send us your video!

All you have to do is fill in the form and upload your BlackVue video (instructions on how to do so here). Every week we will pick a winner of the grand prize. Even if you don’t receive the grand prize, if your video is published on our blog or social media, you will receive a guaranteed BlackVue swag bag full of goodies!

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