Home » DR750S-2CH
Hit By A Distracted Cyclist #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- June 21, 2024
Don't drive distracted - a simple rule on the road. One that should be applied to everyone - regardless if they are driving a car or riding a bicycle. Here's BlackV[...]
Hit By A Semi-Truck At An Intersection #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- June 9, 2024
This shocking incident happened in Stockport, UK. Truck hits a Ford Fiesta BlackVue user Neil was at a normally busy intersection, which seemed a bit quieter [...]
Semi Truck Crosses Over Solid Line, Hits Another Car #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- January 10, 2024
A dual-channel dash cam - meaning two cameras instead of one, typically front and rear - can be extremely helpful in case of an accident, especially in the dreaded [...]
Wrong Way On The Expressway #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- November 9, 2023
Our Customer John sent us this footage his BlackVue dash cam recorded of a driver on a highway… heading the wrong way! Surprise on an expressway Here's John's[...]
Dash Cam Footage Disproves Eyewitnesses’ Statements #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- May 10, 2023
This BlackVue video is a perfect example on how much more reliable than human eyewitnesses dash cam footage can be in case of accidents. Serious crash This a[...]
Van Rolls Down The Hill, Hits BMW #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- December 21, 2022
An unexpected event can always happen on the road. That's why it's wise to always be prepared - and have a dash cam recording at all times for video evidence. Here'[...]
Intersection Crash, Rear-End Crash Captured On Dash Cam #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- December 9, 2022
Here are two crashes provided by the BlackVue distrbutor in South Africa (@ncedatech on Instagram). Two very different crashes In the first video we can see [...]
VW Golf Reverses & Hits Audi, Denies Fault #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- October 5, 2022
Dash cam footage can help in potentially ambigous situations that otherwise could end in a lengthy, exhausting insurance battle. Accident caught in Parking Mode[...]
Dash Cam Captures Dramatic Truck Crash, Kid Hanging From The Cabin #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- August 3, 2022
This dramatic footage was captured recently by a BlackVue user driving a truck loaded with pipes. Interstate crash According to Christopher who sent us this [...]
Rear-ended by a Truck While Stuck In Traffic #CaughtOnBlackVue
- BlackVue
- July 27, 2022
While rear-end accidents are usually pretty straightforward, it's always good to have dash cam evidence to speed up the insurance claim process! Unavoidable cra[...]