
Send Us Your BlackVue Dashcam Videos. Win Awesome Prizes!

Dear BlackVue Users,
Did you know that your BlackVue videos could win you some nice prizes?
If you’ve been using your BlackVue dashcam for a while, there is a good chance captured either an accident or a close call during your daily drives.
Or maybe your BlackVue saved you a headache with the insurance company once you showed them the footage?

We want to hear your story!

Tell us what happened and get featured on BlackVue’s official website and social media.

We are already gathering users’ videos on an ongoing basis, sending goodie bags to users whose videos we post on our social media channels (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook).
Although we have been occasionally sending extra prizes to reward videos that really stood out, we decided to add incentives to encourage participation.

Weekly giveaway

Every Wednesday, we will now pick a winner for a grand prize. We will give the winner the choice between:
What if your video is not chosen as grand prize winner? Don’t worry, it could still be picked for a future giveaway. In addition, the owners of videos that we decide to post will still receive a BlackVue swag bag, as we have been doing for almost two years now.

What kind of videos should you submit?

BlackVue dashcam videos that stand out: accidents, near-misses, dangerous driving, funny or crazy footage. There is no rule but of course the more interesting the better. Whether it is an accident you’ve been involved in or you witnessed, a hit-and-run while your car was parked, all could apply. We also welcome any unusual footage.

Technical requirements

To be eligible for grand prize, submissions must:
  • Be a video recorded on a BlackVue dashcam.
  • Include the original dashcam video files.

How to participate?

  1. Upload the raw video footage to a virtual drive or file sharing website, such as Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, WeTransfer or SendSpace.
  2. Fill the form on the video submission page:
  3. You will be notified via email in case your video is selected.

Weekly winner selection

We will select a winner for the grand prize every week and announce the winners on our website in our Blog section.
Thank you and good luck!

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