Two new cable accessories are now available in the BlackVue Online Store and from our distributors worldwide. First, the USB-C Power Cable will let users take advantage of a USB-C Power Delivery 3.0 compatible outlet to power their dash cam. Second, the OBD II Power Cable lets users plug into the OBD II port of their vehicle to power their BlackVue, including in Parking Mode.
USB-C PD 3.0 to DC Power Cable (USBC-3P)

This cable will come handy to those who don’t have a 12V cigarette lighter type power outlet in their vehicle. It could also makes it easier to power your dash cam outside of your car, if you wanted to, thanks to the widely supported universal USB-C connector.
In case you are tempted to use a regular portable battery to power it in your car in Parking Mode, however, please avoid doing so. The batteries made for charging phones and other electronic devices are generally not designed to work in extreme temperatures. They could represent a fire hazard in case they are left in a parked vehicle or even in a running vehicle in direct sunlight.
Supported models:
- DR970X Plus Series
- DR970X LTE Plus Series
- DR770X Series
- DR770X LTE Series
- DR590X Series
- Not compatible with DR970X Box Plus and DR770X Box models.
OBD II Power Cable (BOC-300)

This cable is a new Parking Mode accessory that connects to your vehicle’s OBD II port. Most vehicle manufactured after 2010 are compatible. A notable exception is Tesla, which uses a slighlty different port in their vehicles.
The easiest way to use Parking Mode
In terms of functionalities, the OBD II cable is like hardwiring your dash cam to your vehicle’s fuse panel. This provides power to the dash cam even while parked, and the BlackVue monitors the current to shut down when voltage gets too low (you can set the voltage cutoff level in the BlackVue App).
The advantage of the OBD II Power Cable, however, is in its ease of use. Plug it and you are done. This is probably the simplest solution to enable Parking Mode.
Compatible with most BlackVue dash cams from the past five years
All BlackVue dash cams that have a built-in voltage monitor are supported. In other words, the BOC-300 supports most models since the DR750X/DR900X Series. Another way to put it is: if your BlackVue dash cam came with a Hardwiring Power Cable (with yellow, red and ground wires), then it is compatible with the OBD II Power Cable.
Supported models:
- DR970X Plus Series
- DR970X LTE Plus Series
- DR970X Box Plus Series
- DR770X Series
- DR770X LTE Series
- DR770X Box Series
- DR590X Series
- DR970X Series
- DR970X LTE Series
- DR900X Plus Series
- DR750X Plus Series
- DR900X Series
- DR750X Series