
[Firmware Update] BlackVue DR590X Series (v1.004)

New firmware is available for the DR590X Series (1CH and 2CH) dashcams.
Version 1.004 includes bug fixes and stability improvement.


  • DR590X Series (DR590X-1CH, DR590X-2CH, DR590X-2CH IR)


Version 1.004:
Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

※ Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v3.14 / iOS v3.14 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v3.02 / Mac v3.03 and up.


Make sure to use the latest versions of the BlackVue Viewer and App for full compatibility when installing a new firmware version.

How to upgrade:

Go to the DOWNLOADS page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.

You can also use the BlackVue App to download the firmware to your mobile device and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade via the BLACKVUE WI-FI menu. Tip: make sure to download the firmware before you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again.

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If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join our Community hosted in the BlackVue Help Center.

Thank you!

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