
DR750X-2CH IR Plus and DR750X-2CH TRUCK Plus Available Now

The Interior IR and TRUCK versions are joining the DR750X Plus lineup. Using the same front camera as the DR750X-2CH Plus, these models differentiate themselves with their special-purpose rear cameras.

DR750X-2CH IR Plus with Interior Infrared Camera

The IR in the name stands for infrared. The DR750X-2CH IR Plus features the newer Sony STARVIS sensor found in the regular DR750X-2CH Plus model. Both front and interior cameras use this sensor, which produces great images night and day. Check our original announcement for more info on the X Plus Series and this link for night and day footage.
The interior-facing camera is equipped with a luminosity sensor and infrared LEDs that turn on when needed. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, they do ensure that you get clear footage even in the darkest environments. This makes the DR750X-2CH IR Plus a great camera to watch over your vehicle in Parking Mode.

DR750X-2CH IR Plus
You can easily install the interior-facing camera while keeping the front camera out of sight.

View the DR750X-2CH IR Plus in the Online Shop.

DR750X-2CH TRUCK Plus with External Waterproof IR Camera

The DR750X-2CH TRUCK Plus comes with an external camera and a 15-meter (49ft) cable, with a 20-meter (65ft) cable option available. The ruggedized rear camera is waterproof and typically designed to be mounted above the backdoor of a box truck, facing about 45-degrees towards the road. This allows to monitor both the road behind while driving and the loading and unloading operations.


The rear camera also features the newer Sony STARVIS sensor. With its six infrared LEDs, it is able to illuminate the surroundings and captures clear videos day and night.

Rear Truck Camera ERC100F

View the DR750X-2CH TRUCK Plus in the Online Shop.

Note about the interior/rear cameras color rendition:

While the sensors on the IR and TRUCK rear cameras are the same as on the front camera, they are modified to capture infrared light. Therefore, like any infrared cameras, they render colors differently in daylight and can produce videos that look almost “black and white” in darker environments. This is to be expected.

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