
Celebrating the BlackVue Community on Our 14th Anniversary

Today marks the fourteenth anniversary of our company, Pittasoft, mostly known worldwide as BlackVue.

But more than making it just about us, we want to use this special day to celebrate the BlackVue Community at large.

A great community of passionate users

One thing that is truly humbling is how passionate the BlackVue community of users is.

Everyday users

Every BlackVue user can participate in our weekly #CaughtOnBlackVue event, where we feature BlackVue footage sent in by our Customers. The video and the story behind it – usually an accident, a hit-and-run, a close call or an unusual encounter – is posted on our website and social media, and the BlackVue user gets their choice of an awesome prize.

Brand Ambassadors

Since 2017 BlackVue has run the BlackVue Ambassador Program. Hundreds of car enthusiasts apply to be a part of the program every year. Our Ambassadors remain active on their social media profiles such as Instagram and TikTok. We take pride in the fact that our Ambassadors genuinely love BlackVue products and proudly display them in their amazing builds. Thanks to our Ambassadors’ promotional activities along with all BlackVue owners, #blackvue was tagged over 55,000 times on Instagram!

Close collaboration with businesses worldwide

Distributors and dealers

BlackVue wants to thank its network of over a hundred distributors in more than sixty countries. We know we owe a lot of our success to your passion and dedication to our brand. Therefore, we thank our long term partners and welcome entrepreneurs willing to carry the BlackVue brand to new horizons, in their home markets.
If that sounds like you, feel free to shoot our Sales team an email to inquire about distributorship through our Contact Us page.

Corporate and institutional users

A lot of BlackVue features were made possible and inspired by our collaboration with fleet users. We are amazed by the many ways businesses and institutions have been integrating BlackVue in their workflows. If you are curious how businesses of all sizes are using BlackVue, make sure to visit the BlackVue integrations page.

Thanking you all

In a nutshell, we want to thank all BlackVue users. All the passionate people who helped us grow so far. All the users who share their valuable feedback. And we don’t mean just the many satisfied loyal users out there (we love you of course) but also those who take the time to share their suggestions in constructive ways. We know that when someone takes on their own time to share detailed feedback–positive or negative–it’s because they care. And we respect that. We try not to shy away from criticism and embrace it instead. So, thank you for caring, and keep the feedback coming!

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