
BlackVue DR650S-2CH In-Depth Dashcam Review

An in-dept dashcam review

YouTuber and BlackVue user Jeff Greene recently posted an in-depth review of BlackVue DR650S-2CH on his channel. The review  includes the process of installation and useful tips, shows the BlackVue App and the BlackVue Viewer (BlackVue Legacy Mac Viewer in the video), as well as sample footage shot with the dashcam. Jeff also made a written post on his blog, so if you want to learn more about BlackVue DR650S-2CH, you can read it HERE.

Dashcam purchased out of necessity

Jeff mentions that he purchased the BlackVue DR650S-2CH dashcam after a car accident with a distracted driver. The accident had no witnesses and it ended up as a classical “word against word case”. As a result, the reviewer was looking for a dashcam that had to be simple (in use), small in form factor, and with high enough quality to capture details in most situations. That’s how he found BlackVue.

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