
BlackVue App and Viewer Major Update

Dear BlackVue User,

The BlackVue App (iOS/Android) and Viewer (macOS/Windows) just received major updates.

BlackVue App (iOS/Android)

With version 3.11, the BlackVue App underwent both aesthetic and functional improvements. Here is an overview video of the new BlackVue app:


Making the app more intuitive for new users

The current BlackVue app for iOS and Android has been receiving multiple updates since first released in 2015. However, the user interface did not change dramatically over the years. With version 3.11, the BlackVue App gets a complete makeover.

The keyword here is intuitiveness. We wanted to make the app easier to use for everyone. We believe it is now easier for a first-timer to connect to their dashcam over Wi-Fi or register a new dashcam to the Cloud without having to consult a manual.

We also wanted to make buttons and functions as self-explanatory as possible. It is now easier to such as video type (Normal, Event, Parking, etc.), recording date and time, front or rear camera.

Keeping things familiar for current users

For those familiar with the BlackVue App, we wanted to make it more welcoming to newcomers without alienating existing users. You will see that the app retains the menu structure while having information laid out much more clearly.

The N, E, P, M filter buttons were handy but had two drawbacks: first, some people did not know what those buttons stood for (Normal, Event, Parking, Manual recordings). Second, they were occupying precious space on screen. As a result, we moved the filters to a dedicated filter button with its own sub-menu.

BlackVue Viewer (Windows/macOS)

The BlackVue Viewer redesign focuses on the SD Card Viewer, while the Cloud Viewer is left mostly unchanged. 
Below, we added a guide showing the SD Card Viewer main screen, followed by the full screen video playback view.




BlackVue Viewer download links:

BlackVue Windows Viewer

BlackVue Mac Viewer

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